Monday, May 5, 2008

Lost and gone forever

I think you all know about my obsession with LOST. Love it, totally love it. If possible check out a few websites that I enjoy.

The first is . On Friday's Daniel from TMZ does a moment by moment play of Thursday nights show. Then there are the comments! It can get to be a lot to read, but full of information and insights that others have that some just seem to miss.

This site by far is the one I spend most time reading. . Just scroll down the list on the left side and click under FEEDS, Latest Theories. That way you get the current theories posted daily. Some of these theories are really out there but some have been given tons of thought. There are some really smart people out there, and some really OBSESSED people too, much much more than myself.

This is a new website that I just stumbled onto. Lots of information, and thought you might enjoy when you don't have anything to do, or when the show runs out for the season.

I also recommend rewatching all the previous seasons, especially during summer before LOST comes back on. Watching the old shows with the new insights helps you understand so much more then when you watched them earlier.

I wasn't interested in LOST when it originally came out. Amber is the one we need to thank for this as I was introduced to LOST when they lived on Starlite in Holmen. We would sit in bed and watch previously recorded shows. I was introduced during the second season and was immediately hooked. Didn't get a chance to watch the first years shows, until after the third year was over. I highly recommend going back and rewatching, there is so much going on and it helps you understand the things that are happening now. LOST is going to be one of the classics, is swear. So I am LOSTANDGONEFOREVER.


melbo said...

I was thinking the other night that its really a lot of work to keep up with the plot of Lost. I kept thinking: didn't we see him before..? what did they say about that once..? It required way more brain power than I had right then. And even now. I may have to wait until the summer to figure it all out!

OmaMary said...

WE have all of the seasons so I could send them home with daddyO for the summer. At Carly and Tom's last summer we watched all three seasons, just put Erich down and watch 2 or 3 episodes a night.

melbo said...
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Amber said...

HEY, now you are blaming ME!! =) I cannot wait to find out how this season will end! I need to rewatch everything too. James won't even watch this season until it is over.

melbo said...

I think this blog is "lost and gone forever." And "uprooted and undone" for that matter...